This is only an attempt at recording genealogical data. Biographical matter
has been omitted from this pamphlet, for want of space and incompleteness of
information at hand. This may be taken up in the future if time permits.
As many of the family have the same given name, to avoid confusion it is convenient
to place a number before most of them. Additional names appearing has prevented
giving numbers in regular order in this pamphlet. Abbreviations: b. born, c.
children; d. deceased, cem. cemetery; Res. residence.
Since the matter beginning with page 1 was printed this additional information
has been obtained. As far back as we now definitely know the Bean and Tucker
families are closely associated. On March It 1917 Josephus Tucker, age 96 years,
of Meigs county Ohio, states he is a cousin of Josephus Tucker late of Athens,
Ohio. His father's family about the year 1820 was as follows; first names on
each line me brothers and sisters:
David Tucker, b. 1765 m. an Austin c. Josephus of Meigs co., Ohio. b. 1821 and
Aaron Tucker. m. ______ remained in Hardy co.
Rausa Tucker, m 15 ________ Bean sister of 17 18, 19 & 20; c. Josephus of
Athens 0hio.
Thomas Tucker, m., Nancy Marshall, moved to Ohio and later to Illinois.
John Tucker. m. Demas Cone, Athens county, Ohio.
Nathan Tucker, m., in Hardy county. moved to Missouri in 1830.
Elizabeth Tucker m. Jeremiah Barnhall, moved to Athens county, Ohio.
Nancy Ann Tucker, m. 178 Dr. George Bean, moved to Athens county, Ohio.
Ruth Tucker, d. 1843 m. 20 Bennett Bean of Hardy co, Va., see on page 7.
This shows additional information to that on page 2.
17 William Bean; 18 James Bean; 19 Thomas Bean; 20 Bennett Bean, brothers had
a sister 15 ??????????? Bean who m. married Rausa Tucker. They all lived in
Hardy county. There may have been other brothers and sisters, names as yet unknown
to us.
17 William Bean, 1749?1812. m. Susan Tucker, they had flour mill at Canaanville.
0hio. Mrs. J. Goodrich Ewing. Coolville, 0hio is a daughter of Josephus Tucker
of Meigs Co.
Quoting from in address by Hon. Josiah Drummond. "In Scotland 'Bean' means
fair and is often used by Highlanders to distinguish a particular man of fair
complexion. It is known that three distinct families came to this country about
the same time, 1660; one settled in Virginia. one in Maine and one in New Hampshire."
A list published in 1832 shows 12 Bean, Revolutionary pensioners. That represents
a small number of those of our name actually engaged in that war. The name occurs
several times in Dandridge's "American Prisoners of the Revolution.
Cartmell in his book "Shenandoah Pioneers" page 437, "Mordecai
Bean appeared in Frederick county with Isaac Zane about 1767 and applied for
a patent for ungranted lands along the North mountains. This, then was the seating
of a family that for nearly a century held large sway in that section."
Kercheval in a very interesting book; “Valley of Virginia" 1833,
speaks of Bean's smelter, also of Zane’s cave on the lands owned by heirs
of the late Maj. James Bean, in Frederick County.
City Directories of Pittsburgh and Philadelphia for 1915 contain our family
name. Evidently the name Bean in America was fairly numerous in both city and
country early in the history of our nation.
Many of our line was in the Federal and Confederate armies. We hope to make
individual mention of them in biographical notes at some future time.
Walker's "History of Athens County" and the Athens County Records
afforded some data. Inscriptions on tombstones supplied many dates which are
We feel very grateul to many relatives who have so kindly and promptly responded
to letters of inquiry.
We hope you wll get the intended meaning where there are typographical errors.
Our motive in the beginning of this was to restore our immediate family record
which was lost, as it progressed interest broadened
Sincerely yours,
Josephine Bean Wilson. Athens, Ohio, August 1, 1917.
Hampshire county was organized in 1754 and Hardy county was formed from this
county In 1786 When we mention Hardy county this particular place is meant.
This brief outline is put in this form before it is forgotten or lost. It may
serve as a basis for more extensive research. additional information or corrections
will be appreciated. One member is as important as another her; where information
is brief or absent, it is because the data, was not in our possession.
The name Bean is found at Norwich, England. 1022. It is said, the Scotch immigrant
John Bean settled in Exeter, New Hampshire in 1660. In 1824, 61 Bennett Bean
of St, Mary co., Maryland, fourth generation from John Bean, 1716: relationship
to the Hardy county line as yet unknown. Frequent use in both lines of the Christian
name John, Bennett and Robert is suggestive. However, it is definitely known
the following title of the family, which we are not able at this time to trace
beyond the four brothers named on the next page, who lived near Hagerstown,
Maryland. Before 1794 they moved to the virgin forest in the next state and
established what is known is the Bean Settlement on Noah River about Inkerman,
Hardy county, Virginia now in West Virginia. The Bean Cemetery mile and half
south?west of Inkerman mostly used by descendants of 20 Bennett Bean. Many of
families of 18 James Bean and 19 Thomas Bean rest in Asbury Cemetery, four miles
south?west of Inkerman.
Some of the family were among the early settlers of Athens county Ohio. 16 Moses
Bean served on the Athens county grand jury, July, 1806; August. 1808 and April,
1811. Dr. George Bean was one of the first three trustees of Canaan township
in 1819. At that period the family settled mostly in Canaan township. Others
soon followed, and now many of the family live about Guysville and other parts
of Athens county. There is also a Bean Cemetery mile east of Guysville, this
and the cemeteries at Canaanville and at South Canaan Church contain many graves
of the Bean family.
On this page is a chart intended to give a brief, general view of the family. The earlier known members are shown and a few names more recent are given for clue to identity of descent. To show much as possible on this page only the Christian name is used: it should be understood the surname is BEAN, unless it is indicated otherwise by marriage. Concerning the Hardy county line of the family we are now able to name four brothers: 17 WILLIAM BEAN; 18 JAMES BEAN; 19 THOMAS BEAN; 20 BENNETT BEAN, who lived in Maryland prior to formation of the Bean Settlement. As yet it is not determined whether 16 MOSES BEAN was a brother 18, 18, 19 and 20 or not.
17 WILLIAM 1749-1842 d. in Canaan tp. Athens Co., Ohio.
94 Richard; 95 Mahala; 96 Malinda; 971Drusilla; 98 William junior, the last
named in. Sarah Boyd their c. 223 Horatio and others, and Horatio's c. 227 Rufus
and others, Athens, Ohio.
18 JAMES, Hardy Co.,
161 Robert, b. 1794. d. 1868 in. Starkey; 162 Bennett, m. Nancy Tucker; 163
Joshua; 164 George, m. Margaret Anderson 165 Margaret, m. French; 166 Cassie,
m. Davidson; 167 Nancv, m.; 168 Rebecca, m. Ryan. Many of the descendants of
161 Robert Bean now live in Hardy county; George W. being a grandson.
19 THOMAS m. Mary Gwynne, both d. in Hardy county. Several c. moved to Ohio.
177 Biscoe; 178 Dr. George, trustee, 1819, Canaan tp., Athens Co., in. Ann Tucker;
179 John G., grandfather of 352 C. Leroy of Athens; 180 Elizabeth; 181 Robert,
Canaan tp.; 182 Thomas, father of Dr. E. M. Bean, Pleasanton, 0hio; 183 William
T. twin of 182 m. Esther Mansfield, c. Oliver W., b. 1836, d. 1914, Nelsonville
Ohio and others; 184 Anne; 185 Samuel, m. 44 Catharine Leavy, aunt of 350 Mary
Catharine; 186 Richard; 187 Horatio. Mrs. Henry Logan, Athens and the Beans
of Rutland, Meigs Co., 0hio. are descendants of 178 Dr. George Bean.
20 BENNETT 1766-1851.
22 Joseph; 23 Masham; 24 John, 1794?1878; 25 Bennett; 26 Edmond; 27 Peter, b.
1810: 28 Aaron; 29 Elizabeth. Many descendants in Hardy Co., W. Va.; Athens
Co., Ohio; and Clark Co., ILL. See pages 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. etc.
17 William Bean, b. 1749 in Maryland, moved to Hardy county before 1794 where
he lived a few years. He last moved to Canaan township, Athens co., Ohio in
1814 where died before1842. His wife's name now unknown Their children: 94 Richard
95 Mahala; 96 Malinda; 97 Drusilla; 98 William, Jr. d. 1885 aged 86 years. 98
98 William Bean, Jr. came to Athens co., Ohio in 1814, and lived below and ,south
of Canaanville bridge died July 1, 1885. Married Sarah Boyd. c. 221 Birce; 222
George, 223 Horatio, b. 1824; 235 Charles; 236 Sabitha; 237 Jane. All deceased.
221 Birce, Bean m. Barbara ______ c. 152 George; Katie G. b. 1865. Res. Athens
co., 0hio.
222 George Bean d., moved to Sibley, Osceola county Iowa.
223 Horatio Bean, b. 1824, d. 1904, m. 55 Catharine Bean see page 9; cem. South
Canaan Church. Their c. 225 Lovina; 227 Rufus; 228 Amanda; 229 Virginia; Zona,
d.; Ziba M., d. age 5 yr.; Minerva J. d. age 10 yr.; William H. d, age 2 yr.
The last three died in 1852 and rest in west side of Canaanville Cemetery. Res.
Athens co., 0hio.
236 Sabitha Bean, m. Isaiah Williams. Res. Athens co., 0hio.
237 Jane Bean m. Samuel Mohler, moved to Percy, Marion Co., Iowa, both d.
225 Lovina Bean, b. 1851 m. Robert Mariner, d., c. Zina; Bert; Charles; Carrie;
Edgar and Edna twins. Her second m. to Abraham Laughlin. Res. Athens co., 0hio.
227 Rufus Bean, b. Aug. 22, 1848, m. Caroline Saeter, c. 251 William; 252 Frank;
253 Sarah Elizabeth, deceased Res. Athens co,, 0hio.
228 Amanda Bean, m. Graham, c. Harry; Catharine; George; Ola. Res. 0hio.
18 James Bean probably moved from Maryland to Hardy county before 1794, name of his wife now unknown. This branch appears to have many members in Hardy co. now West Virginia. Their children were 161 Robert, b. 1794, d. 1868; 162 Bennett m. Nancy Tucker 163 Joshua, m. Almeta Anderson; 164 George m. Margaret Anderson; 165 Margaret, m. McKenna French; 166 Cassie, m. Samuel Davidson; 167 Nancy, m. Henry Shepler; 168 Rebecca, m. William Ryan. 167 and 168 moved to Lewis co., W.Va.
161 Robert Bean, b. 1794 in Hardy county where he d. 1868 interred in family
grave yard on his farm two miles from Inkerman. He m. Ann Starkey nee Buckley.
Their Children were 330 James, b. 1823; 331 George m. Harriet E. Tucker; 332
Bennett; 333 John Warren; 334 Joshua; 335 William W.; 353 Asa; 337 Sarah, m.
Harvey Riggleman. Res. Hardy co., W. Va.
330 James Bean of Hardy county, b. 1823, d. 1887; in, Susan McGill of Ohio.
Their c. 340 Frederick W. b. 1844, m. Rebecca Haines; 341 Richard m. Alice Tucker;
342 Oscar M. m. Nellie Clower; 343 Emory M. m. Mary Starkey of Athens Co., 0hio,
sister of John Starkey; 344 Marcellus, m. Carrie Carr; 345 Annie and 346 Alice,
unmarried; 347 Fluella, m. William Friddle: 348 Belle, m. A. E. Bausserman.
Res. Hardy Co.
342 Oscar M. Bean of Hardy county. m. Nellie Clower c. 405 Hugh M.; 406 M. A.;
407 Karl B.; 408 Guy R.; 409 Nellie V.; Res. Hardy Co. W. Va.
332 Bennett, Bean, in, Eliza Stipe, c. 410 Jane M., m. Silas Wilkin; 411 Mary
not m.; 412 Dorinda, d.; 413 John H., d. Res. Hardy Co., W. Va.
333 John Warren Bean, d., m. Elizabeth Ann Bean, c. 415 Joseph of Green Spring;
416 Abner, d.; 417 Edward; 418 Samuel, d.; 419 Virginia; 420 Lovina. Res. W.
335 William W. Bean, of Hardy county, b. 1832, d. 1912 m. Lydia Hawse, children
425 George W., b. 1865; 426 Victoria, m. Edward Brown; 427 Sallie, m. T. M.
Gerald, Hardy Co.; 428 Ella, m. John Garber, Washington, D.C.; 429 Edgar, m.
Macy Doman, Mt. Rainier, Md.; 430 Lillian. m., Dr. David Gochenour, Stuart’s
Draft Va.
425 George W. Beam b. 1865 m. in 1889 to Nora Frye, c. 432 Loring Stanley, b.
1894; 433 Waldo Virgil, and Gladys, twins, b. 1897. Res. Hardy Co., W. Va.
336 Asa Beam first m. Harriet Wilkin, second m. Sarah Swisher, c. 458 Ada; 459
Eulalie; 410 Luther; 411 Alonzo. All m. but Alonzo. Res. Hardy Co., W. Va.
19 Thomas Bean, born about 1755, moved from Maryland to Hardy county 1795 where
he died. He married Mary Gwynne, their c. 177 Biscoe; 178 Dr. George; 179 John
G.; 180 Elizabeth, m. Halbert; 181 Robert; 182 Thomas and 183 William T., twins;
184 Anne, m. McGill; 185 Samuel 186 Richard; 187 Horatio. All of these c. migrated
to Athens county, Ohio, except 185 Samuel and 186 Richard who remained in Hardy
177 Biscoe Bean, founded Bean Cemetery near Guysville; m. ??????????? c. 400
Mahala; 401 Chloa; 402 George; 403 Robert; 404 Amos. All deceased.
178 Dr. George Bean, b. 1789? m. Ann Tucker, c. 258 Archibald; 259 Besty Ann;
260 Isaiah; 261 Eliza; 262 Caroline, b. 1833; 264 Hiram 265 Mary Ellen. 178
Dr. George Bean was six years of age when they moved to Hardy co., in 1817 he
bought 90 acres in Athens township, about twenty years later moved to Pleasanton.
Athens county.
258 Archibald Bean, m. Adaline ?????????? , they moved from Pleasanton to Wayne
county, Illinois in 1865, their c. 489 Hanna L., b. 1858; 490 Dr. George.
489 Hanna L. Bean, b. 1858, in. 1886 to Carlos D. Henry of Berne township Athens
co., c. Charles Guy, d.; Henry Glenn; Ralph McDougall; Clara Elnor; Wilbur C.
490 Dr. George Bean of Rutland, who m. ??????????? Crouch, their c. are 501
Dr. Lewis C., b. 1866,; 502 Frank; Mrs. Rathburn.
501 Dr. Lewis C. Bean is father of 505 Dr. Leo and 509 Edith. Res. 0hio.
262 Caroline Bean, b. 1833, m. Henry Logan, 1853, c. Rettie; Ripple; W. G.;
Ella; Flora; Earl C.; Frank H. Res. Athens co., 0hio.
Frank R. Murphey is a grandson of Henry and 262 Caroline Bean Logan.
179 John G. Bean, m. ?????????? c. 351 Samuel b. 1825; 353 Biscoe, 2nd.; 354
Harrison, b. 1828; 355 Elijah H.; 356 Cassie; 357 Elizabeth. Late res. Athens
351 Samuel Bean, b. 1825, d. 1897, m. 350 Mary Catharine Leavy, b. 1826, d.
1886, cem. South Canaan Church. Their c. 352 C. Leroy; 358 Eva; 359 John W.;
360 Willard A.; 361 Hamlin; 362 Elvira; Res. Athens co., 0,
353 Biscoe Bean, m. ? ???????????? c. 362 Cyrus C.; 363 Lorinzo Gwynn; 364
Lou; 365 John F. Res. Athens Co., 0hio.
365 John F. Bean, d. m. Sarah J. Bellows, c. 366 Dr. L. Gardner; 367 Charles
R.; 368 Dr. Elijah H.; 369 Fannie C.; 370 Frances M. Res. Athens Co., 0hio.
356 Cassie Bean, d., m. Nelson Pilcher moved to Chatham, ILL.
357 Elizabeth Bean, m. Parker C. Henry Athens, 0hio.
181 Robert Bean, b. 1800, d. 1846. cem. Canaanville, m.. Jane ?????????? c.
373 Robert; 374 Curtis; 375 Lorinza; 376 Henry; 377 David; 378 Mary; 379 Sarah;
380 Martha, b. 1841 d. 1872; 89 Lydia, b.1826 d. 1914, cem. Greenmoss, Clark
Co., ILL.
182 Thomas Bean, m. ?????????? c. 460 Dr. E. M. Bean. Pleasanton, Athens county.
183 William Tecumseh Bean. m. Esther daughter of Martin Mansfield; C. 442 Oliver
W., b. 1836 d. 1914; 443 Mary; 444 Martin T. 444 has son William at Albany 0hio.
442 Oliver W. Bean, m. Mary Jane Jones in 1856, c. 446 Ida; 447 Esther, m. Young;
448 Elizabeth, m. Davis; 449 Stanley I.; 450 William T. Res. Athens Co., 0hio.
446 Ida Bean, m. ??????? Jewett, c. Carl E. m. Mary Cecile Six. Res, Athens
Co., 0
185 Samuel Bean m. 44 Catharine Leavy, c. 603 Thomas; 604 Abner; 605 Triffina.
This branch is given on the following pages, in more detail than some of the others because it, is the compiler’s immediate family, consequently most familiar to her. The earliest dates are from original entries by 25 Bennett Bean in his Bible now in keeping of his grand?daughter 135 Zulemma Starkey. In their time; 20 Bennett Bean was known as 1st; 162 Bennett Bean as 2nd and 25 Bennett Bean as 3rd. Those three lived in Hardy county.
In the pioneer days of Hardy county, Va. the Bean and Leavy families were closely
connected to make understanding easy they are recorded in parallel columns on
this page.
THE 20 BENNETT BEAN FAMILY LEAVY FAMILY in Hardy county came from Ireland probably
near 1790; parents
names as yet unknown was 31 ???????????? in Hardy county, now W. Va.
20 BENNETT BEAN, b. 1766, d. Sep. 8, 1851, married 21 RUTH TUCKER, she died
Aug.1, 1843; their children was as
22 JOSEPH BEAN, c. see following: pages.
23 MASHAM BEAN, c. see following pages.
24 JOHN BEAN, b. 1794, d. 1878, married 42 Mary A. Leavy, 1818, c. see following
25 BENNETT BEAN, b. 1802, d. 1876, married 80 Ann Marshall, c. see following
26 EDMOND BEAN, b. 1805, d. 1892, known as uncle Eddy, m. 400 Mahala Bean.
27 PETER BEAN, b. 1810 d. 1880, married go Elizabeth Snyder, c. see following
28 AARON BRAN, b. 1812, married 92 ???????? c. see following pages.
29 ELIZABETH BEAN, married 40 Michael Leavy in W. Va. No children.
24 and 26 moved to Athens county, Ohio.
Second wife of 20 d. July 11, 1847, no C.
40 MICHAEL LEAVY; m. 29 Elizabeth or Betsy Bean. both d, in Va., no c.
41 JOHN LEAVY, m ? ???????????????c. 350 Mary Catharine, m. 351 Samuel Bean
of Willow creek in Athens co Ohio,and their c. are
352 C. Leroy;
358 Eva;
359 John W.;
360 Willard;
361 Hamlin;
362 Elvira M.
42 MARY ANN LEAVY, m. 24 John
44 CATHARINE LEAVY, m. 185 Samuel Bean in Va. their c. 605 Triffina; 604 Abner;
603 Thomas. In 1839, 603 Thomas and family moved to Athens co., 0hio., with
24 John Bean and family in wagons it took them two weeks with ten horses to
make the journey.
They have spent most of their lives in Hardy County so far as now known. 22
Joseph Bean, b. 1790, d. 18__ m. ____________ c. 33 John; 34 Solomon; 35 Joseph;
36 Ezekiel; 37 Erasmus; 38 Elizabeth.
37 Erasmus Bean b. 18__ m. _____________? c. 281 Francelia; 282 Virginia; 283
John by first m. 284 Jacob; 285 Luella by second m. Res. Hardy Co., WVa.
So far as we know this branch of the family reside in Hardy county, NV. Va.
2:1 Masham Bean, 1). 1792. d. IS , m. 45 ???????????????? c. 46 Michael; 47 Lavina; 48 Eliza; 41) Iydia.
24 John Bean was b. in Hardy county, Va., March 23, 1794, d, Nov. 23, 1878;
he was married in the same county in 1818, to 42 Mary Ann Leavy who was b. July
5, 1794, d. Aug. 30, 1878, They moved with their family to near Guysville, Athens
co., Ohio about 1839 and in autumn of 1866 they sold their farm and settled
in Clark county, Illinois, on Dolson prairie. Their farm was at the cross roads
on the Charleston road 9 miles from Marshall. They both died at this home. Their
graves are in Greenmoss cemetery mile and half distant and are about three rods
from the main entrance and marked by monument, a cedar tree is near their foot.
Several graves of relatives are near them. Greenmoss church is north of cemetery
Their children 50 Elias and 51 William twins, b. May 25, 1819; 52 James; 53
Polly; 54 Ruth, b. 1831; 55 Catharine; 56 Elizabeth Jane, b. July 11, 1834;
57 Mahala, b. May 1, 1836; 58 Jeramiah, b. 1838; 59 Edmond; 60 John Thomas.
All born in Va. except 59 and 60 in Athens Co., Ohio.
50 Elias Bean, farmer, d. Nov. 3, 1874 in Illinois; m. 89 Lydia Bean, c. 144
Christopher d. July 2, 1862; 145 Erasmus, d. May 2, 1865, age 19 yr. 11 da.;
146 Morris Finnet 147 Thomas, m. Anna Cunningham; 148 Augusta, d. m. Dewal Jones;
149 Zeana, m. Maloy; 150 Ella, m. Welch; 151 Mary Jane. Res. ILL.
51 William Bean, farmer, d. Oct. 29, 1874 in Ohio, m. Laura Carter, c. 108 Hannah,
b. 1843; John William b. 1844, d. 1862; 110 Laura, b. 1846; 111 Mary Ann, b.
1848; Edmond and 113 Marion twins; 114 Matilda, b. 1852; 115 Louisa b. 1856
d.1915. 116 Charles b. 1857; 117 Ellsworth, b. 1861; 118 Elias, b. 1863, d.
Res. Athens co. 0hio.
52 James Bean farmer, b. 1823, d. 1887, m. 81 Mary Isabel Bean, c. 127 Letitia,
b. 1854; 128 Abbie; 129 John William; 130 Mary Florence b. 1866; 131 Rosa, d;.
132 Thomas Wesley, b. 1859; 133 Charles Emory, b.1864; 134 Allen b. 1868; 135
Zulemma b. 1873; 136 Grove. Res. Athens co., 0.
53 Mary Bean, b. 1824, d. 1903, m. Ziba W. Hoskinson, farmer, b. 1818; d. 1898,
c. 287 Elza, b. 1843 d. 1911 m. Victoria Ray b. 1842; 288 Clara; 289 Almira,
m. Burch; 290 Hoyt. Athens Co. Ohio.
54 Ruth Bean, b. 1831, m. John H. Triplet, c. 120 Johaan m. Howard Harlan; 121
Lydia Margaret m. Isaac Hess; 122 Louella m. Robert Pitman; 123 Lorinda Florence,
m. John Fosnot, d., second m. Guynn; 124 Frank.
55 Catharine Bean, b. 1826 d. 1906, m. 223 Horatio Bean, b. 1824, d. 1904, c.
225 Lovina; 227 Rufus; 228 Amanda, 229 Virginia. Res. Athens co., Ohio
56 Elizabeth Jane Bean, b. 1834, d. 1912, m. Henry Beebe, c. 238 Mary; 239 Ida.
Res. Illinois.
57 Mahala Bean, b. 1836, d. 1894, m. William Reed, farmer, b. Canaan tp. Athens
Co., 0hio., 1838 d. in ILL., 1902; c. 242 Edmond; 243 Eliza; 244 Eva; 245 Fannie;
246 Wallace. Res. Clark co., ILL.
58 Jeremiah Bean, farmer, b. in Hardy co., W. Va., 1838, m. Jennie J. King c.
301 Parrill b. 1866; 302 Whitfield 303 Herbert, d. 1910; 304 Claude, d. 1885;
305 Earl. Res. Athens Co., Ohio.
59 Edmond Bean, farmer, b. 1840, in Ohio, d. 1910, m. Samantha Windsor, d, c.
67 Charles; 68 Letha; 69 Addison; 70 Frank Sherwood, b. April 2, 1873, d. July
26 1916; 71 Arthur; 72 BIanche; 73 Mile; 74 Wade; 75 Leora; 76 Guy; 77 Minnie;
78 Vera. Res. Athens CO., 0.
60 John Thomas Bean, farmer, b. in Athens co., Ohio, May 3,1844, m. Feb. 7,
1867 to Susan Sheets, who was b. Oct. 13, 1849, near Willow creek in the same
county. When married they moved to the home of 24 John Bean on Dolson Prairie
where they lived until their parents passed from this life. In 1879 they returned
to Willow creek in Athens county, Ohio. Their c. are 62 Waldo, b. April 28,1870,
d, Dec. 2,1872 in Illinois; 63 Ida Alice, b. Feb. 17, 1872, m. John Lyden; 176
Josephine A. b, Feb, 28. 1874, m. 173 Dr. Milo Wilson, Feb. 28, 1901; 64 Rosa
Florence b. July 10, 1877 m. Carl E, Norris; 65 Murn Earl, b. Sep. 13, 1881,
m. Julia Simmons; 65 Otto Orvill known as “Zell” b. May 9, 1884,
m. Iva Grimm. 62; 63; 176 and 64, born in Illinois; 65 and 66 born in Ohio.
Res. Athens CO., O.
Susan Sheets Bean wife of 60 John Thomas Bean passed from this life March 24,
1917 and her remains rest in Union street cemetery, Athens, Ohio.
287 Elza Hoskinson’s c. Lillie, d.; Anna, m. Charles Mansfield.
289 Almira Hoskinson m. George Burch; c. Harvey and Ray, Canaanville; William
and Vernie, Dayton Ohio; Fred and Dorsey, d.; Orlie, Portsmouth Ohio.
Latest generation of 24 John Bean branch as known, See page 12.
Near Inkerman in What is now Hardy county. West Virginia; 25 Bennett Bean,
b. 1802, d. March 11, 1876, m. 80 Ann Marshall, d. July 2, 1872 always lived
there; c. 81 Mary Isabel; 82 John Bennett; 83 Caroline, m. Jerry Dean; 84 Sarah
not m.
81 Mary Isabel Bean, called aunt Isabel, m. 52 James Bean of Athens County,
Ohio List of their children follows 52 James Bean page 8. 135 Zulemma wife of
John Starkey lives west of Guysvill, the others south of the same town, except
134 Allen who keeps store at Torch, Ohio.
82 John Bennett Bean, m. Eliza Cathers, c. 99 Alice; 100 Charles; Bessie; in
Ohio. then he re?moved back to Hardy co.; second m. Houdershell, c. 102 Mollie;
103 Nettie; 104 Sarah Res. Hardy Co., IV. Va.
83 Caroline Bealn, m. Jerry Dean C. Lenna; Sallie. Res. Hardy Co., IV. Va.
26 Edmond Bean, b. in Hardy County, 1805, moved to Athens county Ohio about 1830 where he d. 1892. He m. 400 Mahala daughter of 177 Biscoe Bean. The Bean Cemetery where they are all interred was laid out on the farm of the last named, on a hill giving a pleasant view of the Hocking valley and the village of Guysville.
27 Peter Bean, b, 1810, d. 1880, m. 90 Elisabeth Snyder; they always lived
in Hardy county, W. Va. Their graves are in the Bean graveyard, mile and half
South West of Inkerman. Their c. are 194 Lucinda E. b. 1835, d. 1872, m. Geo.
W. Howse; 195 Gemima. A. b. 1838, d. 1885; 196 William H. b. 1840; 197 Jacob
A. b 1842, d. 1862; 198 Addison A. b. 1844, d. 1866; 199 Edmond Wesley, b. 1847.
Res. Hardy co,, W. Va.
195 Gemima ,A. Bean, m. Thomas F. Constable, c. 200 Elizabeth 201 Laura; 202
William T.; 203 Emma; 204 Samuel. Res. Hardy co., W. Va.
196 William H. Bean, b. 1840, m. 205 Mary Bean. c. 206 Thomas A.; 207 Jacob
A.; 208 Henry F.; 209 Ella; 210 Lulie E.; 211 Lemuel; 212 Edward M.; 213 William
Hedges; 214 Florence. Res. Hardy Co., W. Va.
199 Edmond Wesley Bean b. 1847. m. Margaret Evans. c. 215 William J., b. m.
Nora Park; 216 Albin W., b. 1869, m. Domie Swisher; 217 Jesse A., b. 1870 m.
Lillie Snarr; 218 Samuel S. G., b. 1877, m. 250 Lillie Bean; 220 Edgar S. b.
1881, m. Cora Dyer. Res. Hardy Co., W. Va.
215 William J.. Bean, b. 1868, m. Nora Park; c. 315 Leafie; 316 Raymond L.;
317 Marland; 318 Harold; 319 Estie. Res. Hardy co., W. Va.
216 Albin W. Bean b. 1869, m. Domie Swisher, c. 320 Leonard; 321 Eva; 322 Orpha
V.; 323 Doland T.
Res. Hardy Co., W. Va.
217 Jesse A. Bean b. 1871 m. Lillie Snarr, c. 210 Beatrice Marie, b. 1904; 231
Oliver Blair. b. 1906; 232 Lynn Welton b. 1916. Res. Hardy Co., W. Va.
Samuel S. G. Bean, b. 1877. m. 250 Lillie Bean daughter of Richard Bean c. Howard
deceased; 324 Mamie L.: 325 Velmie ; 326 Della M., 327 Ray; 328 Clyde W.
220 Edgar S. Bean, b. 1881, m. Cora Dyer, c. 229 Wildie. Res. Hardy co., W.
So far as now known they live in Hardy county, West Virginia.
28 Aaron Bean, b. 1812, d. 1892, m. Rebecca Mauk c. 275 Frederick. 276 Peter;
277 John; 278 Louise; 279 Sarah Ann; 280 Rebecca by first m, and by second m.
to Rebecca Buckley, c. Francenia.
275 Frederick Bean, b. 1844, m.. Eliza Herbaugh. Hardy Co., W. Va.
276 Peter Bean d., m. Jinnis Riggerman Res. Hampshire Co., W. Va.
277 John Bean, m. Catharine Cindie, both deceased.
In the last three lines on page 11 are some errors which are corrected on this
275 W. Frederick Bean, b. March On 1844 m. Harriett V. Herbaugh; c. 315 Sarah;
316 Arthur, b. 1871. deceased; 317 Philip L., 318 John W.; 319 Agnes, 320 James
E.; 321 Thomas W.; 322 Malinda. Res. Hardy county
315 Sarah S. Bean b. 1869 m. Lee Whetzel c. George; Clarissa; Gibson; Mary;
Freddie, Res. Hardy Co. W. Va.
317 Philip L. Bean, b. 1873. m. Urbana Pope, c. Mildred; Frankie; Dailey.
318 John W. Bean b. 1875 m. Anne Orndoff c. 223 Harvey; Alice; 324 Dewey. Res
319 Agnes Bean b. 1881 m. Albert Saville, c. Ora; Ethel; Earl; Res W. Va.
320 James E. Bean 1884. m. Margarette Freeland, c. 325 Nathaline. Res. W. Va.
321 Thomas W, Bean, b. 1886 m. Pearl Hoover c. 326 Robert. Res. Akron 0hio.
322 Malinda Bean, b. 1890 111. Earl Kimmel c. Wade; Iva; Alma; Thelma. Res.
W. Va.
276 Peter Bean, m. Sarah Riggleman, c. 327 Leslie; 328 Harvey; 329 Luther. W.
277 John Bean m. Catharine Sindy, c. Grace; Justina. 330 Asbury; 331 Effingir;
331 Davis. Res. W. Va.
279 Sarah Bean m. Philip Swisher, c. Ella; Domie. Res. Inkerman W. Va.
Francenia Bean, m. Charles Wren c. Dolan. Res. Inkerman W. Va.
286 Ann Bean daughter of 28 Aaron Bean, m. William. Michael of Inkerman, c.
Aaron; Elizabeth; Mary.
146 Morris Bean's c. Fairy; Newton, m. Ethel Bony, 147 Thomas Bean's son Floyd
b. 1905 Live in Clark county Illinois.
116 Charles A. Bean of Greenbranch, b. 1856, m. Rinda Sheets a sister of Susan
Sheets Bean wife of 60, in 1887, c. Carrie Anna. h. 1888 in. S. C. Turner; 248
Dana Artus, b. 1896; 249 Clarence Dale, b. 1898. Res. Athens O.
132 Thomas Wesley Bean b. 1859 c. Herbert; Tina; William; Orville; Ethel; Rosa;
Grace; Edward; Mabel. Res. Athens co., 0hio.
133 Charles Emory Bean m. 1883 to Nttie Annon, c. 336 Branch L.; 337 Ray, d.
1887 age one year; 338 Jesse Wade, b. 1885; Hattie Zulemma, b. 1889; Vesta Leola,
b. 1891; Nellie Denora, b. 1893. Res. Athens co Ohio,
134 Allen Bean, in. Hattie Annon, c. Clifford and Carl. Res. Athens co., 0:
136 Grove Bean's c. Mildred Marie; Grover Cleason; Isabel; Thelma; Melba Ruth.
Res. Athens co., 0hio.
301 Parrill Bean, b, Oct, 14. 1865, m. 1898 to Sadie Robinson, b. July 15, 1873
c. Gladys b. Aug 11, 1901; Helen b. Feb. 15 1904 d. Aug 20, 1906; Hasal, b.
June 9 and d. Oct. 1. 1910; 343 Raymond b. May 31, 1911. Res. Athens co., 0hio.
302 Whitfield Bean, m. 1899 to Bertha B. Buck, c. Louella Earnestine, b. Aug.
2,1900; 345 Ralph Orland, b. Nov. 11, 1906: 346 James Orville. b. Nov. 26, 1911.
Athens co. 0hio.
71 Arthur Bean b. 1874 in. 1903 to Alice M. Cole b. 1878 c. 364 Gerald C., b.
June 30, 1906; 365 Donald W., b. July 1908; 366 Glen F., b. Sep. 9, 1911; 367
Delmer G. b. July 10, 1916. Res. Athens Co., 0hio.
67 Charles C. Bean m. 1891 to Minnie Fitch, c. Mary Arzonia, b. 1893, m. Ray
Love Kearney, Neb.; Ada Josephine, b. 1895, m. Roy Graham, Bridgeport, Neb.;
Arthur Fitch, b. 1898; Burtenia Fay, b. 1900. Res. Athens co., 0hio.
68 Letha Bean b. 1871, m. Owen Riley c. Helen L. b. 1894, d. 1895 Grace 0.,
b. 1895, d. 1915; Mable L., b. 1897. Res. Athens co., 0hio.
69 Addison Bean's c. Hazel; Wilson; Walter, Doris. Res. Athens co., 0.
70 Frank Sherwood Bean, b. April 2, 1873 d. July 26, 1916, m. 1897 to Lydia
Mansfield, c. Herman b. 1901; Lucile, b. 1903; Grace, b. 1907. Res. Athens C.o,
75 Leora, Bean. m. Mansfield, live on Greenbranch, old home place of 59 Edmond
Bean. 78 Vera Bean, m. Francis Efaw. Res. Athens co., 0hio.
64 Rosa. Florence Bean, m. 1898 to Carl F. Norris, c. Lenna Catharine, b. May
1, 1901; Wilson Orville, b. Nov. 11, 1903; Ralph Edward, b. Dec. 14, 1906. Res.
Athens co., 0hio.
65 Murnie Earl Bean m. Julia Simmons, c. Grace Belle, b. August 31 1904; Letha
Maud b. Oct. 8, 1905. Res. Athens co., 0hio.
Lovell Bean, of Athens is a son of 402 George Bean son of 117 Biscoe Bean.
422 Vern Bean, Guysville, is a son of 421 Charles J.. son of 405 Ezekiel, son
of 177 Biscoe Bean. In Bean Cemetery, Guysville, O. we find 177 Biscoe Bean,
see page 5, b. 1786, d. 1870, his wife Elizabeth b. 1792, d. 1873. their sons
403 Robert, b. 1825, d. 1876; 405 Ezekiel, b. 1826, d. 1860; 404 Amos, b. 1828,
d. 1894.
22 Joseph Bean, page 7 m. Clara Blackwell, lived at Inkerman, W. Va.
23 Masham Bean, page 8, m. 45 Betsy Swisher, lived at Inkerman. W. Va.
333 John Warren Bean's wife was a daughter of 163, page 3.
On July 6, 1917, 58 Jeremiah Bean, passed from this is life age 80 years. His
remains rest in the Bean Cemetery near Guysville, Ohio.
From Hampshire, W. Va. Review July 1917: "Mrs. Rebecca Jane Bean widow
of 340 Frederick W. Bean, died at the Alleghney Hospital, Cumberland. after
a brief illness. Nine children survive: Mrs. Joseph Evans; Mrs. Jas. Wilson
: Mrs. Joseph McDonald ; Mrs. B. H. Haines; Mrs. Ray Ours; Miss Clara Bean;
Ernest Bean; E. P. Bean and Herbert Bean. The body was brought to her home near
Ebenezer. Burial was in the cemetery there." Their family branch see page
Timothy Park, aged 82 years died April 19, 1916. He was father of 215 Mrs. William
J. Bean, see page 11.
Dana Artus Bean, Orville Otis Bean, Walter Bean. Doris Bean, Arthur Fitch Bean
and Vern Bean of Guysville, Ohio have recently enlisted in the Army. Wilson
Bean has been in the Army several years. These names appear on pages 12 &
13. Doubtless there are Others of the family who enlisted names as yet unknown
to us.
We wish to learn them.
Known to us are the following named, living members of the family over seventy
years, of age:
196 William H. Bean Inkerman, Hardy county W. Va. David Bean, Inkerman, Hardy
county, W. Va.
275 W. F. Bean, Moorefield, Hardy county W. Va. Familiar name, Fred.
54 Ruth Bean Triplet, Marshall Illinois
60 John Thomas Bean, 8 Stewart,st. Athens Ohio Familiar name, Tom.
280 Rebecca Bean Delray Hampshire county W. Va.
PHOTO (I do not have a good copy) PHOTO (I do not have a good copy)
John Thomas Bean. Susan Sheets Bean
born May 3, 1844. near born October 13, 1849, on Willow
Green branch in creek; passed from this life
Athens county, Ohio. March 24, 1917, at Athens, Ohio.
They were married February 7, 1867 on Willow creek in Athens County, Ohio. They
are the parents of the compiler of this genealogy, see 60 page 9.
The first BEAN family in Saint Mary's county, Maryland seems to be represented
by 1Ralph Bean, sea captain and boat owner, who came from Southwark, Surray,
England and died in Saint Mary's county in 1695. He had brothers, 2 Walter Bean,
3 John Bean, 4 Robert Bean in Saint Marys Co. and a sister Sarah Bean in England.
“Heads of Families First, Census of United States, 1790" gives in
Saint Mary's county, Maryland following named Bean families.
Head of family. Males. Females. Slaves.
5 John Bean 4 3 5
6 Robert Bean 2 1 5
7 Thomas Bean 4 2 3
8 Jacob Bean 1 1 2
9 Benjamin Bean 4 2 13
10 Alexander Bean 6 5 None
11 Josiah Bean 1 3 None
12 John Bean 4 3 6
Elizabeth Bean 2 3 1
Bennett Biscoe 1 1 8
William Bennett 4 6 13
Bennett Biscoe 2 1 3
Descendants of these families are most numerous in Md. Va.. Col. In W. Va. we
have the large Bean Settlement and almost as large Bean neighborhood in Athens
county Ohio.
Above is brief sample of the work I am doing.
Some Data for a Brief History
Saint Mary's County, Maryland Line of
the Bean Family,
As I am a descendant of the Saint Mary's county, Maryland, BEAN family, I am
making An effort to learn if we are of either English or Scotch descent 1 Ralph
Bean, died 1695 was from England, that only suggests he was English as we do
not know his birth place. So I would like to know the general opinion of the
Bean families living in Saint Mary's county, whether they consider themselves
of which, English or Scotch origin.
I am preparing a brief history of the Saint Mary's Bean Family and Some of It's
Branches. I shall be pleased to mail to you a Copy of the booklet free when
printed, as an appreciation of your kindness in filling in what You can of the
blanks of this sheet. I am doing this for sake of our Bean Family History at
my expense for the pleasure it affords me. No difference how little, information
you may have it will assist greatly.
My maiden name was Josephine Bean. MY husband is physician to State institution
I trust this is of Interest to you as I do not wish to intrude.
Stamped envelope inclosed for reply. Yours truly
Oct. 29, 1919. Mrs. Milo Wilson,
Gallipolis, Ohio